The Tannahill Weavers The Tannahill Weavers - Logie o Buchan

Logie o' Buchan, oh Logie the laird
They hae ta'en awa' Jamie who delved in the yaird
Wha played on the pipes and the fiddle sae sma'
They ha'e ta'en awa' Jamie the flo'er o' them a'

He said think na' lang lassie though I gang awa'
For I'll come and see ye in spite o' them a'

Sandy has owsen has hear and has kye
A hoose and a haddin and siller for bye
But I'll ha'e my ain lad wi' his staff in his hand
Before I'll ha'e him wi' his hooses and land


I sit on my creepie and spin at my wheel
And think on the laddie that lo'ed me sae weel
He had but ae saxpence he broke it in twa
And gied me the hauf o't when he gaed awa'


Then haste ye back Jamie and bide nae awa'
Then haste ye back Jamie and bide nae awa'
The summer is coming, cauld winter's awa'
And ye'll come and see me in spite o' them a'