The Tannahill Weavers The Tannahill Weavers - Ower the Hills and Faur Awa

Jocky met with Jeannie fair between the dawnin' and the day,
But Jocky noo is fu' o' care since Jenny's stown his heart away.
Although she promised tae be true, she proven has alas unkind,
The which does make poor Jocky rue that e'er he lo'ed a fickle mind.

Jocky was a bonnie lad that e'er was born in Scotia fair,
But noo poor lad, he does run mad syne Jenny causes his dispair.
Young Jocky was a pipers son, he fell in love when he was young,
And a' the tunes that he could play was ower the hills and far awa'.

When first I saw my Jeannie's face she seemed sae fair, sae fu' o' grace,
Wi' miekle joy my heart was filled, that's noo alas what sorrow killed.
Oh were she but as true as fair, 'twid put an end tae my dispair,
Instead o' that she is unkind and wavers like the winter wind.

Hard was my hap tae fa' in love wi' ane that does sae faithless prove,
Hard was my fate tae court a maid wha has my constant heart betrayed.
Since she is faus wha I adore, ne'er will I trust a woman more,
From a' their charms I'll flee awa', and on my pipes I'll sweetly play.

It's ower the hills and faur awa', it's ower the hills and faur awa',
It's ower the hills and faur awa', the wind has blawn my plaid awa'.