The Tannahill Weavers The Tannahill Weavers - Robin Tamson's Smiddy

My mither men't my auld breeks and wow but they were duddy o
And sent me tae get shod the meer at Robin Tamson's smiddy o
The smiddy stans ayout the burn a wee bit frae the clachan o
I never yet gaed by the door but fat I fell a lachin o

Auld Robin was a wealthy carl an' had a bonnie dochter o
He widnae lat her tak' a man tho' mony ane had socht her o
But fat think ye o my exploit the time the mare was shooin' o?
I went in tae Robin's pet and briskly fell a wooin' o

Fal a doo a di do
Fal de doo a daddy o
Fal de doo a di do
Auld Robin Tamson's smiddy o

And aye she e'ed my auld breeks the time that we were crackin' o
Says aye my lass ne'er mind the clouts, there's new anes for the makin' o
Gin ye'll consent tae come wi' me an' lea the carl yer faither o
Ye'll get my breeks tae keep in trim, mysel' and a' thegither o


Indeed quo she your offers fair, I really think I'll tak' it o
Gang ye awa' get oot the mare, we'll baith sit on the back o't o
For gin I wait my faither's time, I'll wait till I be fifty o
But I will marry in my prime and mak' a wife sae thrifty o

Noo Robin wis an angry carl at tinin o his dochter o
Through a' the kintrae side he ran an' far and near he sought her o
Bit fin he cam' to oor fireside and fan us baith thegither o
Quo I guid man I've ta'en yer bairn an' ye can tak my mither o


Auld Robin girned and scrathed his pow, Guid sooth quo he ye're merry o
But I'll e'en tak ye at yer word, and end this hurry burry o
So Robin an' our auld guid wife agreed tae keep thegither o
So I hae Robin Tamson's pet and Rob has ta'en my mither o
